E prea devreme sau e prea tarziu ?
Vremea a trecut si prea putine stiu,
Enigma mea.
Sunt ca un vapor pierdut in larg.
Mi-e teama ca n-ajung , niciodata la mal.
De ce vrei sa ma vezi ratacind printre stazi,
Ca un vagabond?
Nu rani sufletul ce doare Spera in focul ce se stinge Viseaza la dragoste nemuritoare Si nu fa din asta revarsare de singe
Omul e viu cit traieste Lacrima insa cit curge Lebada-I vie cit pe valuri pluteste Iar dragostea pina .....
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
You'd be like heaven to touch. I wanna
hold you so much. At long last love has
arrived. And I thank God I'm alive. You're
just too good to be true. Can't take my
Am lacrimi pe obraji,
Incerc sa retraiesc,
Clipe dulci ce-au fost candva...
Zi si noapte ma iubeai,
In gand tu ma purtai,
Si incet imi sopteai...
PreRefren :
Tu esti tot ce imi doresc
Doar pe tine te iubesc
Tu esti tot .....
If things don't work out like you want
This time around
You can try to turn the problem
Upside down
There's no use in crying
You gotta keep trying
Because in the end you will discover
There is always a way
You .....
what's left
for me
i feel so lonely
its hard
to make
a choice beyond me
distance between us
been sharing all my days
wish i could follow
i know you're watching
ill lie
you said
I don't know about tomorrow,
I just live from day to day.
And I don't borrow from its sunshine
'Cause the skies might turn to grey.
And I don't worry about the future,
'Cause I know what Jesus said,
And today I'm gonna .....
It was an April morning when they told us we should go
And as I turned to you, you smiled at me, how could we say no?
With all the fun to have, to live the dreams we always had
Oh, the songs to sing, when we at last return again
Sending off a .....
Under a lovers' sky
Gonna be with you
And noone's gonna be around
If you think that you won't fall
Well just wait until
Til the sun goes down
Underneath the starlight - starlight
There's a magical feeling - so .....
Been running from this feeling for so long
Telling my heart I didn't need it
Pretending I was better off alone
But I know that it's just a lie
So afraid to take a chance again
So afraid of what I feel inside
But I need to be next to you