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Leama & Moor - Distance between us

what's left
for me
i feel so lonely
its hard
to make
a choice beyond me
distance between us
been sharing all my days
wish i could follow
i know you're watching

ill lie
you said
im changing on my ways
take time to bring a choice that hunts me
wont you run
wont you stay
dont you run again
dont you run
dont you stay
dont you run from me

what's left
for me
ya i feel so lonely
its hard to make
a choice beyond me
so plain to see it
its distance comes between us in your eyes
you say
a choice beyond me
distance between us
been sharing all my days
wish i could follow
i know you wont stay
distance between us
been sharing all my days
wish i could follow
know you wont stay

know you wont stay

distance between us
been sharing all my days
wish i could follow
know you wont stay
know you wont stay
know you wont stay
stay stay stay

whats left for me
i feel so lonely
its hard
to make
a choice beyond me
distance between us
been sharing all my days
wish i could follow
i know you're watching

ill lie
you said
im changing on my ways
take time
to bring
a choice that hunts me
wont you run
wont you stay
dont you run agaïn
dont you run
dont you stay
dont you run from me

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 246

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