If things don't work out like you want
This time around
You can try to turn the problem
Upside down
There's no use in crying
You gotta keep trying
Because in the end you will discover
There is always a way
You gotta know you can make it
There is always a way
You gotta believe in yourself
Soon you'll be shining
'Cause you never stop trying
Really believe there is always a way
Always a way
You gotta know you can make it
There is always a way
You gotta believe it
You gotta believe it
Always a way
You gotta know you can make it
There is always a way
You gotta believe in yourself
Soon you'll be shining
'Cause you never stop trying
Really believe there is always a way
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 238
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