***Strofa 1
Cativa baieti si cu mine suntem acum aici in strada
O sticla de coniac, o facem posta o bem pe toata
Putina iarba ca sa ne ridicam mai sus
Beau direct din sticla din pahar esti dus
Poti s-o faci la vreo petrecere mai stilata
Bagabontii .....
Vorbe, vorbe
Sunt vorbe de cacat
Le-aud in fiecare zi
Vorbe, sunt vorbe de cacat
Le-aud in fiecare zi
Unii sufera de smecherie, dar 's vai mortii lor
Cauta sa se umfle in fata fraierilor, sclavilor,
Cateva vorbe sunt un .....
Been there, done that, messed around
I'm having fun don't put me down,
I'll never let you sweep me off my feet,
I won't let you in again, the messages I've tried to send,
my informations' just not going in,
burnin' .....
In fiecare seara cu tine-n gand adorm
Cand esti suparata noaptea nu mai am somn
Si nu pot trai fara tine.
Pleci de acasa, imi dai doar un sarut
Daca mai vreau imi spui sa nu cer mai mult
Dar eu te iubesc doar pe tine.
Am pierdut multe nopti plangand pentru tine
As mai vrea multe sa iti spun dar tu nu mai esti cu mine
Nopti si zile treceau la rand fara tine
Totul a ramas acum doar o simpla amintire.
Mi-amintesc de ochii tai, de privirea ta
Mi-amintesc .....
Ray of light annoying as a cold breath in the eyes
Water falls down
Lights around are flashing
And in meat a razorblade
Water falls down
Seems to be the day
(I cannot handle this)
Listen to the music in my mind
For a .....
Picture perfect memories,
Scattered all around the floor.
Reaching for the phone cause, I can't fight it any more.
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind.
For me it happens all the time.
It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I .....
Oh oh oh yeah
Last time I thought we had this talk
Boy you were getting ready to leave
I thought that baby you were done
Cause for a while you could barely look at me
This time I thought that we`d be fine
That I`d forget the .....
I know that we are young.
And I know you may love me.
But I just can't be with you like this anymore.
She's got both hands
in her pockets.
And she wont look at you,
Won't look at you
She hides .....
Ok yo....
I wake up late every morning
Managers calling im still yawning
Get up wake up hair and makeups
Waiting for you don't be stalling
This performance is important
I don't think I can put my all in
Hold on I .....