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Lady GaGa - 2nd time around

Oh oh oh yeah

Last time I thought we had this talk
Boy you were getting ready to leave
I thought that baby you were done
Cause for a while you could barely look at me

This time I thought that we`d be fine
That I`d forget the things that you said
I tried crossing out your words

But baby you can not forget the past
Oh oh oh oh babe
Can not forget the past
Oh oh oh oh, Still baby (Babe)

I’m so unpredictable
you don’t know what to think
So unemotional
Wonder if I’m even still in love
You see
I don’t know what to tell you now
It's always harder the second time around

I'm so unpredictable
Just like you used to be
So unemotional
Boy I can't forget the way you were with me
I don’t know what to tell you now
It's always harder
the second time around

the second time around

We tried going back to Joe’s
That always was our favourite place
Long rides baby by the coast
Do you remember where we stayed

Last time we where hanging out
You were acting kind of strange
Now it’s the second time around
I’m sorry now it’s me that feels this way
Oh oh oh oh babe
(My heart just speaks to me)
Its me that feels this way
Oh oh oh babe

I now you are the one that is hurting

I’m so unpredictable
You don’t know what to think
So unemotional
Wonder if I’m even still in love
You see
I don’t know what to tell you now
It's always harder the second time around

I'm so unpredictable
Just like you used to be
So unemotional
Boy I can't forget the way you were with me
I don’t know what to tell you now
It's always harder
the second time around

I`m not sure the best way to say this
But I can’t pretend to love you no more babe
This ferris wheel`s got me crazy
Maybe the second time around is not meant for us babe
Not meant for us babe hey-yeah!

I’m so unpredictable
You don’t know what to think
So unemotional
Wonder if I’m even still in love
You see
I don’t know what to tell you now
It's always harder the second time around

I'm so unpredictable
Just like you used to be
So unemotional
Boy I can forget the way you were with me
I don’t know what to tell you now
Its always harder
the second time around

I’m so unpredictable
You don’t know what to think
So unemotional
Wonder if I’m even still in love
You see
I don’t know what to tell you now
It's always harder the second time around

I'm so unpredictable
Just like you used to be
So unemotional
Boy I can forget the way you were with me
I don’t know what to tell you now
It's always harder
the second time around

The second tïme around

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 222

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