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Lacuna Coil - 1.19

Ray of light annoying as a cold breath in the eyes
Water falls down

Lights around are flashing
And in meat a razorblade
Water falls down

Seems to be the day
(I cannot handle this)
Listen to the music in my mind
For a while

Seems to be my hour
My shell has disappeared
Swallow whirls of dust into my mouth

But it's wonderful I know

Hiding all my fear
My nightmare is becoming real
Take a look at me
I'm a loser

Hiding all my crimes and then
Forgetting all my ideas
Take a look at me
I'm a loser

I'm a loser

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 201

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