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K's Choice - Always everywhere

You turn off the light, kiss me good night
And mother, I know that I'm going to be alright
I just can't wait to grow up
Find my own life, be a good wife
And a smart one, I'm sure
I never took us for granted and I always knew
You and I are special
But I never knew how much I'd miss you
So much has changed and been rearranged
And I see that I've lost
What made me so young and incredibly strong
And never ever wrong
You were always there
Because you're always everywhere
I used to cry for no reason
And that's still the same
Except that I had adolescence to blame
But not now
Now I feel sad because I don't know what's true
And I miss thinking I could be just like you.
So much has changed and been rearranged
And I see that I've lost
What made me so young and incredibly strong
And never ever wrong
So much has changed and been rearranged
And I see that I've lost
What made me so sure that I could endure
How hard it is to lose and live again
And never understand
You are always everywhere
You're always there
You turn off the light, and kiss me goodnight
And mother, I know that I'm going to be alrïght

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 225

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