99.9 farhrenheit degrees
stable now, whit rising possibilities
it could be normal but it isn't quite
could make you want to stay awake at night
you seem to me, like a man
on the verge of the burning
99.9 fahrenheit degrees
pale as candle and your face is hot
and if i touch you, i might get what you've got
you seem to me, like a man
on the verge of running
99.9 farhenheit degrees
something cool against the skin
is what you could be, something cool
against the skin, is what you could be needing
99.9 farhenehit degrees
you seem to me like a man
on the verge of burning
99.9 fahrenheït degrees
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 354
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