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Sweet - You're not wrong for loving me

Take me up when I fell down
you're like the sunshine in the sky
You are fine to have around
It's plain to see, I'm satisfied
People say, you're not good to me
you're not wrong for loving me
Don't lay me down
Kind of things that in my life
no one knows but you can guess
my goal in life's to meet the rainbow
Seems like things are never there
People say, you're not good to me
you're not wrong for loving me
Don't lay me down
Doo di doo doo di doo ...
Take me up when I fell down
you're like the sunshine in the sky
You are fine to have around
It's plain to see, I'm satisfïed

Categoria: Versuri melodii

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Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 360

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