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Sweetbox - Addicted

You know I won't put up a fight
And I know you're wrong but I'll say you're right
And it'll keep going down this way
Because I try to change the rules
But it's the same old game
Because you know I'll never leave
And I know you'll never stay
God I need to

Walk away, walk away, walk away, but I'll never
I try and try and try and try
Walk away, walk away, walk away but I'll never
I'll never walk away 'cause

I try to take the higher road
Say easy come easy go
Because you'll never change you'll never show

I'm addicted to the urgency
I'm addicted to the chase
Another dose of you could be the end of me
But I'm addicted bad to you
I'm addicted to the urgency
I'm addicted to the chase
Another dose of you could be the end of me
But I'm addicted bad to you

So welcome to my masquerade
Where we all gotta lie in the beds we've made
I know I need to

Start cutting down on my supply
I need twelve step program for goodbye
No excuses, no more lies

I'm addicted to the urgency
I'm addicted to the chase
Another dose of you could be the end of me
But I'm addicted bad to you
I'm addicted to the urgency
I'm addicted to the chase
Another dose of you could be the end of me
But I'm addicted bad to you

I'm addicted, I'm addicted, addicted to your love

I'm addicted to the urgency
I'm addicted to the chase
Another dose of you could be the end of me
But I'm addicted bad to you
I'm addicted to the urgency
I'm addicted to the chase
Another dose of you could be the end of me
But I'm addicted bad to you

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 363

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