Things weren't going my way
I was feeling down all the time
You held me through the pain
Stood by me in the rain
So today I'm free
Feeling fine all the time
Don't have to wait and see
We're on a one way dream
Like the clouds I'm flying and I'm...
And now I'm flying high above the sky
And it's all because of you
I got a feeling in my heart
My life can really start
And it's all because of you
I'll defend this fairytale
For me it's true till the end
Something more than real
With you I can't pretend
So today I'm free
Feeling fine all the time
Don't have to wait and see
We're on a one way dream
Like the clouds I'm flying and I'm...
And now I'm flying high above the sky
And it's all because of you
I got a feeling in my heart
My life can really start
And it's all because of you
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 278
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