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Suede - Can't get enough

I feel real now walking like a woman and talking like a stone age man
I feel real now talking like buddha and doing it again
I get kick I rip it up kick it up take it like a teenage tough
I feel real now talking like sugar and shaking that stuff
Singing I can't get enough
Singing I can't get enough
I feel schizo every so psycho kicking at an old tin can
I feel real like a man like a woman like a woman like a man
I make dead space feel like a headcase take it like a teenage tough
And feel real now watching those wheels and shaking that stuff
Singing I can't get enough
Singing I can't get enough
Singing I can't get enough
Singing I can't get enough
I feel real now walking like a woman and talking like a stone age man
I feel real now talking like buddha and doing it again
So give me this and give me that smother me and give me some of that bad stuff
I feel real now talking like sugar and shaking that stuff
Singing I can't get enough
Singing I can't get enough
Singing I can't get enough
Singïng I can't get enough

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 270

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