It never seems enough
And baby when your head is full of stuff
Then again you didn't go
And thank God you didn't though
What's it gonna take
Baby, for the two of us to make
It through this one
Can we make it through the storm?
Everything between us makes me glow
But how could you know?
Simple things bring simple pleasures that we know
Or maybe they didn't show
Two you's, two me's, two minds to please
Do you, do me, do we make totally?
Two mouths, to close, to make all of those
Two hearts, to believe, to love openly
Do you really wanna wait another day?
Cus everybody needs a little time to play
And after when the time is up
Everybody doesn't always get their say
Feels like a little price to pay
Then after we laugh it up
Everything about us helps me grow
But how would you know?
Simple things bring simple pleasures that we know
Baby, it's time to show
Two you's, two me's, two minds to please
Do you, do me, do we make totally?
Two mouths, to close, to make all of those
Two hearts, to believe, to love openly
You're the must have, you're the bomb
I'm in your palm
Love freely, so really, there's a calm
Where's it from?
Oooh oooh oooh oooh
Oooh oooh oooh oooh
Two you's, two me's, two minds to please
Do you, do me, do we make totally?
Two mouths, to close, to make all of those
Two hearts, to believe, to love openly
Two you's, two me's, two minds to please
Do you, do me, do we make totally?
Two mouths, to close, to make all of those
Two hearts, to believe, to love openly
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 303
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