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Smokie - A day at the mother-in-law's

Mother dear, mother dear, mother dear
The sky is getting cloudy and it
looks a lot like it might
Start to rain so pick up your bag
and your plastic mac
While I phone your mother again
to tell her we'll still
come over (ring ring)
Mother dear, it's nice to hear from you again
Mother dear, don't speak now
we'll be over as soon as we can

Heading out the front door
say good morning to the neighbours
Passing by then it caught my eye
the bus we needed
the bus too that takes us right outside
Mother dear it's nice to see you smiling face
Again once more Mother dear the time ha flown
and I'm afraid we'll have to go

Waving from the window see that
lonly look glistening
In her eye as we head back home
she is left alone till
next week at the same time
until the goodbye

goodbye Mother dear, goodbye goodbye

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 244

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