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Snoop Dogg feat T-pain - Sexual eruption

I'm gonna take my time, she gon get hers before I
I'm gonna take it slow (woah woahh), I'm not gonna rush the stroke
So she can get a sexual eruption
So I can get her sexual eruption
So we can get her sexual eruption
Sexual Eruption (woah woah)

She might be with him but shes thinkin 'bout me me meeeeeeee
We don't go to the mall, we don't go out to eat eat eeeaat
All that we ever do it play in the sheets sheets sheeeeeetss
Smoke us a cigarette and go back to sleep sleep sleeeeeep

'Cuz we done got her, sexual eruption
sexual eruption x 3

I'm gonna take my time, she gon get hers before I
I'm gonna take it slow (woah woahh), I'm not gonna rush the stroke
If you don't know by now, Doggy Dogg is a freak freak freeeeaak
I keep a bad ***** with me, 7 days out the week
And all that we ever do is play in the sheets sheet sheeeeettss
Smoke us a cigarette and go back to sleep
'Cuz we done got her, sexual eruption
sexual eruption x 3

I was all in the club sippin some Hen
Smokin on a blunt of dro
When a peep this lil hoe out
I was all in the bar when driftaa
Shorty damn came over then she hit the floor now
See through dress long hair light brown eyes
Look like Ms. Bo Peek
And a ***** know if I take her home with them wide *** hips
Your damn right I'm gon beat
So I uhh approached the chick with the real pretty face
Big *** booty and a little big waist
I whispered in her ear lil mama what you drink
I know you a freak but you know I aint gonna say ****
See my game is outrageous I got her to the crib
And exchanged some f**k faces
But it wasn't no use for me to rush to bust one cuz I wanted her to have an eruption

Sexual Eruption (A sexual eruption)
Sexual Eruption (woah, an orgasm)
Sexual Eruptïon

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 230

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