Take me down
6 underground
The ground beneath your feet
Laid out low
Nothing to go
Nowhere a way to meet.
I've got a head full of drought
Down here, so far off
Losing out, round here
Overground, watch this space
I'm open to falling from grace.
Calm me down
Bring it round
Too way high off your street
I can see like nothing else
In me you're better than I wanna be.
Don't think 'cos I understand I care
Don't think 'cos I'm talking we're friends
Talk me down, safe and sound, too
Strung up to sleep
Wear me out
Scream and shout
Swear my time's never cheap
I fake my life like I've lived;
Too much
I take whatever you're given;
Not enough
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 260
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