I'm sitting alone, drinking alcohol
Writing a song about you
I know it's so sad, maybe even mad
But I know what you do behind my back
x2 You say that you in love, in love with me
But know that you're lying to me
Ref x2
My dream girl is gone now and the story goes on
So, what can I do with my life without you?
You're nothing but a whore always ready to go
You sold your soul for a little dough
And I can not understand how we could be friends
Let go of my hand, this is where it ends
2x: So you say that you in love, in love with me
But know that I lie to me
2x: My dream girl is gone now and the story goes on
So, what can I do with my life wïthout you?
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 254
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