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Shwayze - Dance in the sand

Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah

Certainly you should be filled with uncertainty
For 13 years I've been hurtin girls purposely
I've been called a worthless freak, a jerk, and a G
'Cause I turn the other cheek after we fuck for a week
Stop cryin', you know that I done learned from these mistakes
That I made but the past keeps burning me
Like meatheads with cigarettes on freshmens and fraternities
But Shway say how about burnin' herbal trees with purple leaves
I'm sorry that I hurt your heart but that's just the part
That you're playing in my autobiography
I'm sorry that I did you wrong
I promise that I'll write a song and play it for you
As my apology

We gonna walk in twilight
We gonna run in moonshine
We gonna dance in the sand tonight

We gonna walk in twilight
We gonna run in moonshine
We gonna dance in the sand tonight

(You know what?)
Maybe girl, you wasnt meant to be my babygirl
Shwayze's just a player where this stage is just my crazy world
But lately lovely I've been thinkin of you all the time
All my friends say I gotta put it all far behind
But I dont mind, they just jealous you get all my time (yup)
I saw the signs you my ace and base damn you fine (damn)
You got shwayze shakin the rattle, the rattle, cryin like a baby
'Cause I sleepless in Seattle
Why you in Hollywood long legs, short skirt
Tellin' all the dudes how you made my feelin's hurt?

We gonna walk in twilight
We gonna run in moonshine
We gonna dance in the sand tonight

We gonna walk in twilight
We gonna run in moonshine
We gonna dance in the sand tonight

Dance in the sand
We gonna dance in the sand

Dance in the sand like a street fuckin' sand
Yes I am what I am
What I am is a man

We gonna dance in the sand
Dance in the sand, tonight

Dance in the sand
'Cause we ain't got it planned
Two peas in a pod you and I, me and you
And love is a bitch
Let's hold hands lets get rich
Romance in the stone
Make a home out the house
We'll roam in the day
You know what they say
Every pimp needs a hoe and a lady

We gonna walk in (ay!) twilight
We gonna run in (oh!) moonshine
We gonna dance in (ay!) the sand tonight
(Every pimp needs a hoe)

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 252

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