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Silvia - Fantasy of love(feat Dj. Rynno)

Don't know where to look when I'm watching you
Don't know where to go when the lights are low
Dont't know where to think when I'm touching you
Feeling somewhere else when I'm moving really slow.
Can't you see that I, I need somebody
Someone I could share my dreams and all my love
Fantasies of love.
I, I know a place you and I can go
Where all your dreams can reach out and glow
So come inside if you want my love
I, I know a place you and I can go
So come inside if you want my love, love, love.
Living in a world where desire is free
Waiting for somebody to make us feel
Running from the things that we can not do
Everything inside is no longer sad and blue.
Can't you see that I, I need somebody
Someone I could share my dreams and all my love
Fantasies of love.
I, I know a place you and I can go
Where all your dreams can reach out and glow
So come inside if you want my love
I, I know a place you and I can go
So come insïde ďf you want my love, love, love. [ x3 ]

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 260

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