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Silk - Ebony eyes

Love is as love does
And I choose you, I choose you

Wind in your hair, sun on your skin
You?re looking good girl, all over again
Hey there, Miss Brown
I want you to know, I love you

Brown as the sand, as soft as the shore
You?re leaving me hungry and crying for more
Ooh-wee, baby, girl, you?re such a score
And I want you to know that
You know, girl

1 - I love you
Bet you didn?t know that, girl
You didn?t know that
I need you right now baby, right now baby
And I bet you didn?t know that
Ebony eyes

Lips soft and tender, ready to speak
I heard a voice say I love you
And it?s making me weak
Hey there, little girl, may I just say to ya
I love you, I love you, I la la love you

Love is the brown skined girl in my eyes
Think it?s time that I told you that
(Told you, told you)
Don?t you realize you?re such a queen
Woman, you?re such a prize
And I want you to know that
You know what, girl

Repeat 1

Pretty, beautiful brown-eyed queen of mine
Queen of mine
Girl I love you ebony eyes
I bet you didn?t know, oh

I love you
I love you, yeah
Bet you didn't know that
You didn't know that
Hey Girl
I need you
I need you, I need you, yeah
And I bet you didn't know that
Ebony eyes

Pretty brown brown brown
Pretty brown brown
Ebony eyes
I need you
I need you
Pretty brown brown brown
Pretty brown brown
And I bet you dïdn't know that
Ebony eyes

Ebony eyes

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 259

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