I?m an axe grinder, pile driver
Mama says that I never, never mind her
Them old reins, I'm insane
The teacher says that I'm one big pain
I'm like a laser, six string razor
I've got a mouth like an alligator
I want it louder, more power
I'm gonna rock it till it strikes the hour
Bang your head
Metal health will drive you mad
Bang your head
Metal health will drive you mad
I'm frustrated and out-dated
I really wanna be over-rated
I'm a finder and I'm a keeper
I'm not a loser, and I aint no weeper
I got the boys to make the noise
Won't ever let up, hope it annoys you
Join the pack fill the crack
Well now you're here, there's no way back
Metal health will cure your crazy
Metal health will cure your mad
Metal health is what we all need
It's what we're all about
Bang your head wake the dead
We're all metal mad, it?s all you have
So bang your head and raise the dead oh yeah
Metal health it drives you mad, mad, mad, mad
(Over chorus to fade..)
Ah get your straightjackets on tonight ohh
The bad boys are gonna set you right
Oh rock ya, rock ya, rock ya
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 305
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