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R.i.o - Shine on

Open up ya eyes and watch the sunrise
One part of me I've been made clear
Love that goes spread all the world
My love ya comes out of devotion
To rull ya spread to the world
In strange town I'm on my mission
Where we praise the day straight our way
All the nation

Let me be the love that comes form the sun
Let me be your rainbow rising on
Every single rase out of space
Will Shine on, shine on!

Let me be the love that comes form the sun
I wanna be your love light from above
Shine on, shine on, shine on!

My love ya comes out of devotion
To rull ya spread to the world
In strange town I'm on my mission
Where we praise the day straight our way
All the nation

Let me be the love that comes form the sun
Let me be your rainbow rising on
Every single rase out of space
Will Shine on, shine on!

Let me be the love that comes form the sun
I wanna be your love light from above
Shine on, shine on, shïne on!

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 315

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