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R. Kelly - All I Really Want

Spoken: Baby we've been knowing each other for a long long time
for something like this to just go and break up everything

Here we are just sitting here knowing were all alone
My Roli's looking at me saying its time to get it on
You know what I want and baby I know what you need
So stop hesitating girl and give your love to me

All I really want is to love you baby
Make ya body feel like heaven baby
Just wanna satisfy you baby
That's all I want that's all I want

Just wanna give you something baby
Just wanna keep you company baby
Just wanna make you happy baby
That's all I want that's all I want

Thought of fire places burning marshmallows just right
To whom it may concern you wont be coming home tonight
Body parts that he couldn't kiss girl I will kiss for you
Just put this CD on repeat and let me pamper you


Now the swimming pools out back come on skinny dip baby
With breakfast in the morning now with compliments of me
In the middle of the night please believe I'm going in
So hold your pillow tight cause I wanna do it again and again


Till the sun comes up baby we'll be making love
And when the song goes down still we wont have enough
Take this love to cure
It will take care of all your needs
Baby rest assure
I just wanna set you free (free yeah)


Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 298

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