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Pixie Lott - Boys and girls

I'm looking in the mirror and I think I'm liking what I see
Big big lights, shinging bright, like I'm on the T.V
My heart pumps as the bass drum thumps,
You gotta move when the floorboard jumps
Somethings going on and I think it's going on right now.

All the boys and the girls, they got it going on
When the beat kicks in, the feeling in your bones
When the bass impacts and the needle drops
When you cant turn back and you just cant stop
All the boys and the girls (no you just cant stop)
All the boys and the girls (no you just cant stop)
All the boys and the girls.

I can see the silhouette standing up against the wall
It sure feels good, feels good, yeah were gonna lose control
Turn it on, make it strong, a good beat never hurt no-one
Kicking up the dust and were making every move we know, yeah.

All the boys and the girls they got it going on
When the beat kicks in the feeling in your bones
When the bass impacts and the needle drops
When you cant turn back and you just cant stop
All the boys and the girls (no you just cant stop)
All the boys and the girls (no you just cant stop)
All the boys and the girls (no you just cant stop)
All the boys and the girls (no you just cant stop)

Woah ooh, baby dont stop
Woah ooh, keep the vibe hot
Woah ooh, baby dont stop
Woah ooh, keep the vibe hot

Turn it on, make it strong, a good beat never hurt no-one

All the boys and the girls they got it going on
When the beat kicks in the feeling in your bones
When the bass impacts and the needle drops
When you cant turn back and you just cant stop
All the boys and the girls (no you just cant stop)
All the boys and the girls (no you just cant stop)
All the boys and the girls (no you just cant stop)
All the boys and the gïrls (no you just cant stop)

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 389

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