Angel without wings
Come back
Bring me back my dreams
Bring me back
I feel this every day
Love is gone
Rain is falling down
Where`s the sun?
let me know
Why are these playing with my soul?
please tell me why
Why do we have to say goodbye?
Stranger in this world
I am now
I forgot to left
I feel this every day
Love is gone
Rain is falling down
Where`s the sun?
let me know
Why are these playing with my soul?
please tell me why
Why do we have to say goodbye?
stay with me now
Stay with me now
stay with me now
Stay with me now)
let me know
Why are these playing wïth my soul?
please tell me why
Why do we have to say goodbye?
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 450
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