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Play and win - Angel

Angel without wings
Come back
Bring me back my dreams
Bring me back

I feel this every day
Love is gone
Rain is falling down
Where`s the sun?

Huuuhuu … let me know
Why are these playing with my soul?
Huuuhuu … please tell me why
Why do we have to say goodbye?

Stranger in this world
I am now
I forgot to left

I feel this every day
Love is gone
Rain is falling down
Where`s the sun?

Huuuhuu … let me know
Why are these playing with my soul?
Huuuhuu … please tell me why
Why do we have to say goodbye?

(Angel … stay with me now
Stay with me now
Angel … stay with me now
Stay with me now)

Huuuhuu … let me know
Why are these playing wïth my soul?
Huuuhuu … please tell me why
Why do we have to say goodbye?

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 450

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