Any means in your horizon
Heaven in a tourniquet
The after life to keep your eyes on
bitter pill you take you take today
With expert levitation forward,
polished to the nth degree,
it takes it's smile from every children,
you take the beating.
Any means in your horizon
Every mink walks two by two,
we gamble to be born again
You know I never wanted to
With expert levitation forward,
polished to the nth degree,
it takes it's smile from every children,
you take the beating.
The light divining,
the light defining,
the light divining,
the light dividing.
Don't let me down,
let me-he,
let me down,
don't let me,
don't let me down,
let me-he,
let me down,
let me.
The light divining,
the light defining,
the light divining,
the light deviding.
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 403
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