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M2M - Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

Something good happened today

He finally called me by my name

I didn't know how to behave

What to say or do

I was so confused

Dear Diary,

I wanna talk to him again

But whenever he is with his friends

He keeps trying to pretend

But I already see

The way he feels for me

What can I do?

Tell me what can I say

When do I let him know I feel the same way?

How can my feelings be so hard to show when

I really want him to know

Dear Diary,

He wrote some letters on his hand

It wasn't hard to understand

I figured I'm part of his plans

But now I'm in his heart

I don't know where to start

What can I do?

Tell me what can I say

When do I let him know I feel the same way?

How can my feelings be so hard to show when

I really want him to know

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 202

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