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MILEY CYRUS - Kicking And Screaming

Don't keep me waiting, anticipating
Treating me like a fool
I got news for you
I'm turning my back
I'm dropping a bomb on you

You want me
You need me
Believe me, you'll be callin'
You love me
You hate me
Believe me, you'll come crawlin'

So get down and get off
Let me show you what you'll be missing
We break up, you break down
Gonna drag you through this kicking and screaming

Don't keep me guessing your favorite obsession
Don't get me a lame excuse
Is it me that you're messing
It's the same old confession
You're the one with something to lose

Watch out now
A blackout
There's no doubt
You can't have it
Control you
I'll own you
I'll show you, but you still can't have it

So get down and get off
Let me show you what you'll be missing
We break up, you break down
Gonna drag you through this kicking and screaming
So get down and get off
You're not the only one that I've been missing
We break up, you break down
Gonna drag you through this kicking and screaming

You'll be kicking and screaming
You'll be kicking and screaming
But I'm so deceiving, you'll be kicking and screaming

Watch out now
You'll find out
You'll cry out
There's no one above me
I play hard
Don't run far
Come back now, I really do like you...

So get down and get off
Let me show you what you'll be missing
We break up, you break down
Gonna drag you through this kicking and screaming
So get down and get off
You're not the only one that I've been missing
We break up, you break down
Gonna drag you through this kicking and screaming

You'll be kicking and screaming
You'll be kicking and screaming

Kicking and screaming


Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 253

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