Someone who treats you right
Stay with you day and night
I can tell that's what you need
I know just what to do
I'll take good care of you
Baby you can get that from me
I can tell she's not treating you right
Every time you look at me
So which one will you choose
You look so confused
Tell me the truth
Do you know what you want
Do you know what you want
Do you know what you want
Love's so hard to find
So make up your mind
Do you know what you want
Oh baby can't you see
One minute you're with me
Next one you are all over her
She talks behind your back
You know I'll stay on track
Something she wouldn't for sure
How can I help you to make up your mind
Boy you're running out of time
So which one will you choose
You look so confused
Tell me the truth
Do you know what you want
Do you know what you want
Do you know what you want
Love's so hard to find
So make up your mind
Do you know what you want
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 186
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