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LuKone & deMoga feat. Liviu Teodorescu - Electronic Symphony

Liviu Teodorescu:
You're killing me slowly, I'm giving in
You're crying me out like a violin
Your words are the sweetest poetry
My pleasure and pain you're my symphony

You're killing me slowly
killing me slowly...
killing me slowly...
My pleasure in pain...
My electronic symphony

Electronic Symphony (yeah! )

What you do to me
Hurts so good baby
Can't you see? It's gettin physycal
You're pushing me around
Messing with my sound
Electronic fucking classical

Liviu Teodorescu:
You're killing me slowly
killing me slowly
Killing me slowly
My pleasure in pain
My ...

You're killing me slowly, I'm giving in
You're crying me out like a violin
Your words are the sweetest poetry
My pleasure in pain, my electronic symphony

Electronic symphony (yeah! )

What you do to me
Hurts so good baby
Can't you see? It's gettin physycal
You're pushing me around
Messing with my sound
Electronic fucking classical

Liviu Teodorescu:
You're killing me slowly, I'm giving in
You're crying me out like a violin
Your words are the sweetest poetry
My pleasure in pain, my electronic symphony...

Electronic symphony
Electronic symphony
Electronïc symphony

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 203

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