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Lucky Man Project - Pumpin

I wanna give it to you

As long you give it to me

Just keep my body pumpin

Just keep my body pumpin

I wanna give it to you

As long you give it to me

Just keep my body pumpin

Just keep my body pumpin

I wanna give it to you

As long you give it to me

Just keep my body pumpin

All night baybeeee! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

I wanna give it to you

As long you give it to me

Just keep my body pumpin

Just keep my body pumpin

I wanna give it to you

As long you give it to me

Just keep my body pumpin

All night Baybe

Yo quiero ver la .. que mata

Rompe el ritmo et .. mas

Muestra mi como juegas

Mueve tu cuerpo

Baila así mami

Aquí estoy por ti

Find More lyrics at

Porque te estoy mirando

tú sientes el ritmo

te gusta

estoy loco por ti

no puedo sentar sin ti

I wanna give it to you

As long you give it to me

Just keep my body pumpin

Just keep my body pumpin

I wanna give it to you

As long you give it to me

Just keep my body pumpin

Just keep my body pumpin

I wanna give it to you

As long you give it to me

Just keep my body pumpin

All night baybeeee! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

I wanna give it to you

As long you give it to me

Just keep my body pumpin

Just keep my body pumpin

I wanna give it to you

As long you give it to me

Just keep my body pumpin

Just keep my body pumpin

I wanna give it to you

As long you give it to me

Just keep my body pumpin

All nïght baybe! !

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 218

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