*Naina naina nanana naina... Naina naina nanana naina... Naina naina nanana naina... Naina naina nanana na... Night falls, and darkness covers the light Talkin' to shadows doesn't feel right Three little birds leading my eyes Their names are Hope, Love and Trust Music is the only world for me In my world we live in harmony Music knows no creed or colour Day by day, we'll live our dream Music is the only world for me In my world we live in harmony Music knows no creed or colour Day by day, we'll live our dream Sadness is knockin' too many doors Why are we buildin' risen these woes? Angels won't sing if we give in If we give up our dream Music is the only world for me In my world we live in harmony Music knows no creed or colour Day by day, we'll live our dream Music is the only world for me In my world we live in harmony Music knows no creed or colour Day by day, we'll live our dream Naina naina nanana naina... Naina naina nanana naina... Naina naina nanana naina... Nanana naina... hey... Music is the only world for me In my world we live in harmony Music knows no creed or colour Day by day, we'll live our dream Music knows no creed or colour Day by day, we'll lïve our dream
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 165
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