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Kate Alexa - All i hear

i used to break break break in a million pieces
fall fall fall all into your reasons
down down down is the only place you've ever pushed me
i tried and tried just to make you see me
i let you inside, yeah you thought you knew me
you talk talk talk but it goes right through me
cause i can't hear a word you say

all i hear is la la la la la
all i hear is la la la la la
you can scream and shout
it wont bring me down
when you turn it up i just tune you out
la la la la la, all i hear is la la la la la ah ahh

yeah at first it was almost perfect
you had me fooled thought that you were worth it
it took a while but the truth it finally blew your cover
i never would have thought we'd turn out like we did but baby
im so over it an everytime you think you're gonna get me
you can knock knock knock but theres no one here
cause i cant hear a word you say

all i hear is la la la la la
all i hear is la la la la la
you can scream and shout
it wont bring me down
when you turn it up i just tune you out
la la la la la, all i hear is la la la la la ah ahh

so here we go again
messin with my head
why cant you comprehend

oh oh oh oh
la la la la la yeah
la la la la la
no no no

all i hear is la la la la la
all i hear is la la la la la
you can scream and shout
it would bring it down
when you turn it up, i just tune you out

la la la la la
all i hear ïs la la la la la ah ahh
na na na na na na na na na
na na na na na na na na na

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 294

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