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Kate Bush - All the love

The first time I died
Was in the arms of good friends of mine.
They kiss me with tears.
They hadn't been near me for years.
Say, why do it now
When I won't be around, I'm going out?

"We needed you
To love us too.
We wait for your move."

Only tragedy allows the release
Of love and grief never normally seen.
I didn't want to let them see me weep,
I didn't want to let them see me weak,
But I know I have shown
That I stand at the gates alone.

"I needed you
To love me too.
I wait for your move."

All the love, all the love,
All the love we should have given.
All the love, all the love,
All the love you could have given.
All the love, all the love,
All the love...
("Run for the hills...")*

The next time I dedicate
My life's work to the friends I make,
I give them what they want to hear.
They think I'm up to something weird
And up rears the head of fear in me.
So now when they ring
I get my machine to let them in.

"I needed you
To love me too.
I wait for your move."

All the love, all the love,
All the love you should have given.
All the love, all the love,
All the love we could have given.
All the love, all the love,
All the love...

"Take care, tootle-ooh."
"Bye, so long now." [uncertain]
"stay healthy." [uncertain]
"See ya, luv."
"Good bye."
"I'll see ya, luv."
"Good night."

"We needed you
To love us too.
We waït for your move."

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 171

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