I, have never been so much
In love, before
What a difference, a true love made in my life
So nice, so right
Lovin you made me something new
That I've never felt, never dreamed of
Something's changed
Though it's not the, feeling I had before
Oh, it's much much more
Love, I never knew that a touch
Would mean, so much
What a difference
And we walk hand in hand
I feel, so real
Lovers come, and then lovers go
That's what folks say, don't they know
They're not there, when you love me
Hold me and say
And what we have ïs much more than they could see [6x]
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 191
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