One last time, time, time
One last time, time, time
Who am I to say
The hurt you are to feel
The one who has the broken heart,
knows what it takes to heal
But if you understand
the human that I am
then find it in your heart
The place where lovers start
so we can try again
Then you can give me one last time
to hold you and make you realize,
The love that I have inside
I need to have you
One last time
Here in my arms,
I need you in my life
baby one last time
I know that I was wrong
though I can't explain
I never meant to break your heart
or push your love away
But she could never mean
much of anything
cause love is more than physical
it's mental and it's spiritual and
We are spirits needing
One last time
I wanna hold you and make you realize
the love I have inside
I've gotta have you one last time
Here in my arms
I need you in my life
I was wrong
But I wanna make it right
just hold on
Believe in love and stay with me tonight
One last time
Who am I to say, the future will reveal
One last time, time, time
One last time, time, time
One last time, time, time
One last time, time, time
One last time, time, time
One last time, time, time
One last time, time, time
One last time, time, tïme
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 194
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