They're always running around
Telling me i should be free
But there's no kind of way
I'd let them take your love from me
You see I'm not one who goes on
Speculation, hearsay, gossip
But i'm a firm believer
In trusting, caring, and loving
My love for you is so timeless
It's deeper than the depth of emotion
and everyday goes by, i am finding
The reasons that i love youmore and more
Now and forever will i love you and be true
Now and forever will i keep what we have new
I will cherish, adore you
Trust and give my all to you
now and forever will i always love you
i'm not entrusted in starting all over again
to give you up on someone's words
it's not something i'd do
you see you can tell a tree
by the fruit that it bears
and from where i stand
i see my field is yielding
wish we could sail away on an ocean
float away on midnight dreams
and we don't need a magic potion
so we can live inside our dreams
now and forever will i love you and be true
now and forever will i keep what we have new
i will cherish, adore you
trust and give my all to you
now and forever will i always love you
you're everything i want in a lover
you're everythng i need in a friend yes you are
you're the shoulder that i'm leaning and depending on
and i could never hurt you
you're everythïng to me
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 169
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