Wish that I could have you in my space
Wish that I could kiss and caress your face
How is it that I love you and I don't even know U
Did you plant a seed inside of me, when you said hello
Hello darlin, hello sweetheart
She said I'm lost and I don't know my way around
Hello darlin, hello sweetheart
Can U please show me which way to go
She said please show me which way to go
If I changed my look would I have a chance
Or is that I'm used to only one night stands
My idea of romance was nothing more than a kiss in the wind
Never could understand anything about love
Till she said hello
Hello darlin, hello sweetheart
She said I'm lost and I don't know my way around
Hello darlin, hello sweetheart
Can U please show me which way to go
She said please show me which to go
Notice me right before your eyes
Wanting you hidden love by surprise
Left undone and I can't give up untïl were one
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 219
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