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K-Ci & Jojo - How many times

How many times you're gonna let him use you
You'd think that you would know by now
How could you let him trest you so bad
How many times will you let him break your heart
I heard he lied to you
I heard your love he
abused/don't say it isn't so
I see it in your eyes
It's something you can't hide
How many times you're gonna let him use you
You'd think you would know by now
How could you let him treat you so bad
How many times will you, let him break your heart
He gives you lonely nights
And he can hear you cry
And love he denies
He's never gonna change
He just can't accept the blame
How many times are you gonna let him abuse you
You'd think that you would know by now
How could you let him treat you so bad
How many times will you, let him break your heart
Girl dry your eyes
Get up off your face
Don't be ashames. Find someone else new
Someone who'll appreciate you
Always love you
How many times wïll he break your heart
And I hope that you
Feel the same way too
Yes I pray that you
Do love me too.

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 184

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