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K's Choice - Somewhere

There's something about this day
That feels a lot like yesterday
Everything looks the same:
The wall, the tv set
The way I move around myself to be
Somewhere over there
Where things just seem to grow
Where somebody seems to know
What they want from me
I never felt like I belonged
To anything or anyone
Still I depend on you
For every single thing
I could be wrong about so much, but
Somewhere over there
Where things just seem to grow
Where somebody seems to know
What they want from me
I'm too young to know I'm young
I'm too selfish to be strong
Am I too old
To allow my adolescence to go on
There's something about this day
That's not at all like yesterday
I could be
Somewhere over there
Where thïngs just seem to grow
Where somebody seems to know
What they want from me

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 162

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