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Elena Risteska - Ninanajna

Come on boy
don’t be afraid boy
I’m gonna give it to you.

Tell me what-ya want babe
tell me what-ya need
tell me what-ya wishing for
I’ll make you feel so sweet.
I'll open up your fantasies
I'll make your dreams come true
But if you wanna ninanaj with me
I’ll tell you what to do.

Dance with me nananinananajna
Sing with me nananinananajna
I wanna be with you
l wanna give it to you.
Dance with me nananinananajna
Sing with me nananinananajna
I wanna be with you
l wanna give my love to you.

I can make your wishes and your wildest dreams come true
l can make Beyonce and
Shakira dance for you.
I'm dangerously in love with you
I’m dying for your kiss
But if you wanna ninanaj with me
I’m gonna give it to you.

Dance with me nananinananajna
Sing with me nananinananajna
I wanna be with you
l wanna give it to you.
Dance with me nananinananajna
Sing with me nananinananajna
I wanna be with you
l wanna give my love to you.

You found a way to touch my heart and soul
you've opened up my mind
I'll never let you go.

You’re like another part of me
with out you I can't live
my life is incomplete.

Chorus in Macedonian:
Sing ninanajna
Sing for me ninanajna
dance with me
I will give you everything.
Sing ninanajna
Sing for me ninanajna
dance with me
and I will be with you.

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 338

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