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Eleventyseven - A stellar sayonara

I told myself my heart would
Just get in the way
It's never good to let
Emotions have their say

I know It's not
The last time we will fight again
Your right I'm wrong
It's high time we were moving on

'cause I spent all this time
Trying to convince myself
That I don't need your smile
And I don't need kisses
I don't need the way you hold my hand
And everbody says
I don't know what im missing
It's almost to much for me to stand
To much for me to stand
To much for me to stand

Your phone is ringing now
But your not picking up
I guess thats just your way to say
I've had enough
[A Stellar Sayonara Lyrics on http://www.lyricsmania.com]

I don't recal the last time
That we got along
Step back relax
And tell me it's all comeing back

'cause I spent all this time
Trying to convince myself
That I don't need your smile
And I don't need kisses
I don't need the way you hold my hand
And everbody says
I don't know what im missing
It's almost to much for me to stand
To much for me to stand

'cause I don't need your smile
And I don't need your kisses
I don't need the way you hold my hand

And everbody says
I don't know what im missing
It's almost to much for me to stand
To much for me to stand
To much for me to stand
To much for me to stand
To much for me to stand

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 258

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