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Elf - Ain't it all amusing

Baby if you flatter me, you might get somewhere
But I ain't gonna flatter you 'coz I don't really care
Ain't it all, ain't it all amusing

Now, now maybe if you get the sign, I might be a man
Baby you forgot the time, I'll do the best I can
Ain't it all, ain't it all, ain't it all amusing
Well, ain't it all, right, right, ain't it all amusing

Make me laugh.....

Hey, Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jill fell down and broke her crown
And that's the way it oughta.....
Well, ain't it all now, all now, all, ain't it all amusing
I say, ain't it all, right, ain't it all amusing

Oh, oh yeah

Oh, Baby if you flatter me, you might get somewhere
But I ain't gonna flatter you 'coz I don't really care
Ain't it all, ain't it all amusing
Well, ain't it all, right, right, ain't it all amusing
All amusing

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 285

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