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Elastica - 2:1

Keeping a brave face
In circumstances is impossible
Cannot describe
So many
It's impossible
To know which is
The proper order
The best position
To be in
take advantage
or so it seems
the way it goes
Sandman comes (it's tragic)
Two to one (laid down on your side)
In the dark (Too easy)
Dark reflections (you know that you know)
In my head (You're soaking wet)
In my bed (You talk too much)
Again (It's not necessary)
Sandman goes (Before the ice melts)
Two in tow (I just want to say)
Wet and dumb (this packet's yours)
Three's the number (Don't ask for more)
Coming down (Cos somewhere along the line)
Coming down again (I've forgotten already)

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 205

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