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Element Eighty - Bloodshot

Thinking about you for the last hundred days
been dreaming about you so don't push me away

And I've been searching for you (I'm searching for you)
So please tell me your love is true
Bloodshot Bloodshot

Bloodshot Bloodshot
Don't you fuck with me
Bloodshot Bloodshot
Don't you fuck with her
Bloodshot Bloodshot
Don't you fuck with me
Bloodshot Bloodshot [x2]

If we were alone in this God-forsaken town
there'd be no one, no one to bring us down

And I've been searching for you (I'm searching for you)
Please tell me your love is true (tell me this is true)
And I've been missing your touch (I'm missing your touch)
And my eyes are bloodshot and numb
Bloodshot Bloodshot

Bloodshot Bloodshot
Don't you fuck with me
Bloodshot Bloodshot
Don't you fuck with her
Bloodshot Bloodshot
Don't you fuck with me
Bloodshot Bloodshot [x2]

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 345

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