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Electric Light Orchestra - Eldorado

Here it comes, another lonely day, playing the game,
I'll sail away on a voyage of no return to see
if eternal life is meant to be
and if I find the key to the eternal dream.

The painted ladies of the Avalon play in the sun,
take to the road, to the North there lies the chills of cold,
to the South there lies the tales untold.
But in between there lies the place to close your eyes.

And I will stay, I'll not be back, Eldorado.
I will be free of the world, Eldorado.

Say goodbye, the city's heroes sing, bird on the wing
feel, feel so free through the life upon the rooftop haze,
all the cheating and the broken days.
So through it all I see there's nothing left for me.

So I will stay, I'll not be back, Eldorado.
I will be free of the world, Eldorado.

Sitting here on top of everywhere, what do I care.
Days never end, I know the voyage's end will soon be here,
no eternal life is here for me.
And now I found the key to the eternal dream.

Then I will stay, I'll not be back, Eldorado.
I will be free of the world, Eldorado.
Then I will stay.

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 184

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