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Ela Rose - No love, no you(feat David Deejay)

I can`t touch the love
If there`s no present I am cold
A mind of thoughts won`t let you in
I only feel your hands on me
Your name it`s running through my mind
I won`t let me say it loud
There are no memories to hold on
You`re watchin` me fall on my own

No love, no you, won`t feel
And you`ll remember me
Then fallow fallow, fallow, fallow me

I know there`s no one next to me
I`m staring trough tears at my heart
I keep my own thoughts deep in me
Vivid my certain stucked in pass
Your name it`s running through my mind
I won`t let me say it loud
There are no memorïes to hold on
You`re watchïn` me fall on my own

No love, no you, won`t feel
And you`ll remember me
Then fallow, fallow, fallow, fallow me

You remember me
Then fallow fallow, fallow, fallow me!

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 187

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