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Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina - Desert rain

I miss you so much,
Now I'm awake,
Just hold me tight,
In every dream you're my guiding light.

We, we were lost
This, walk of pain
I miss you so much, now I call again, Come, come tonight
Just, hold me tight
From this desert rain, you're my guiding light

We, we were lost,
This, walk of tide
We forgot about love, we forgot about us
Now, I am here, dreams become real

I feel like the sand is blowing away
Into the storm
I'm inside this dream
That feels just like
a desert rain

We, we were lost
This, walk of pain
I miss you so much, now I call again, Come, come tonight
Just, hold me tight
From this desert rain, you're my guiding light

We, we were lost,
This, walk of tide
We forgot about love, we forgot about us
Now, I am here, dreams become real

I feel like the sand is blowing away
Into the storm
I'm inside this dream
That feels just like
a desert rain

You will always have my soul
Even dreams are secret worlds
Missing you

I feel like the sand is blowing away
Into the storm
I'm inside this dream
That feels just like
a desert raïn

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 207

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