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Eels - A daisy through concrete

Wake up the dying,
Dont wake up the dead
Change what your sayin,
Dont change what
you've said
Now that its time that
I got out of bed

When i'll walk myself

Down sycamore street
The sun beats down
No shoes on my feet
And i stumble on
daisy through concrete

Pink and brown babies
In pink stroller cars,
Know that
it's good
They dont care where they are
They know that home
Doesn't feel very

When i'll walk myself
Down sycamore street
The sun beats down
No shoes
on my feet
And i stumble on
A daisy through concrete

Airplane is flyin up in
the sky
Makin a pattern
With the white lines
Looks like a heart
Or maybe a pie

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 194

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