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Edyta Gorniak - Anything

I would do, I would do anything
For you anything, anything
I would do anything for you

If it is faith you are needing
If it's the air I'm breathing
I would give it all to you

If it's a dream your after
I'll help you get there faster
If that is what you want to do

I would do, I would do anything
For you anything, anything
I would do, I would do anything
For you anything, anything

If it's alone your feeling
If life has lost all meaning
I promise you I'm listenig

And if it's the truth you're seeking
If you need a secret keeping
You know you can trust in me

I would do, I would do anything
For you anything, anything
I would do, I would do anything
For you anything, anything

I'd even let you walk away
If you didn't want to stay
I could not love you more than this

I would do, I would do anything
For you anything, anything
I would do, I would do anything
For you anything, anything

Nothing I would not give
Nothing I would not do
Nothing I would not say
Nothing I would not give

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 180

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